Data Scientist | Machine Learning Scientist
AnacondaAzureBioinformaticsBiopythonConfluenceData analysisJiraJupyterMatplotlibMySQLNLPNumPyPandasPostgreSQLPythonPyTorchRDKitScikit-learnSQL
Emerging data scientist with a background in product management, leveraging skills in Python and SQL to drive data-driven decision-making. Currently pursuing an MS in Biomedical Data Science at Meharry Medical College (expected April 2026), with a focus on applying machine learning to precision medicine. Passionate about combining technical expertise and past leadership experience to build impactful, innovative solutions in data science and AI.
Chicago, Illinois, US
8 Last updated about 1 month ago
Role interests
Data ScientistEntry Level Data ScientistMachine Learning Scientist
Entry-level / JuniorMid-level / Intermediate
Job type interests